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The Devouring Fungus

I used to service a lathe with that very problem. Every morning, first shift would come in and find the turret jammed. They didn't bother to tell me that they found it like that every morning until about the third or fourth trip to realign the turret. There was an outlet by the operator panel for a tape drive, which was driven by the same 125V transformer as the 24V supply for I/O. Someone on second shift was plugging in a vacuum cleaner, pulling down the 125V, causing the I/O to fail during a turret index, which just happened to be the time when the most outputs were on.
In my case it was the room of Apollo computers that would go down from the vacuum cleaner being plugged in to the same partitions. Then there was the time at a trade show when the catering service showed up and plugged in a huge coffee urn. The demo servers both crashed. One of them did not come back up, but we managed with one. It was the "Football" in one of my other posts:
Briefcase Computer