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HP OmniBook 800CT support utilities


Mar 23, 2007
Berlin, Germany

I'm the proud owner of two 800CTs: One with a P100 and 16MB RAM, the other with P166MMX and 48MB RAM.
Recently I fiddled around with the OmniBook Support Utility Disk and found three tiny tools there: DOCK.COM, EXTFLOP.COM, and IDE.COM

DOCK.COM source code:

RS	100h

	; --- Read status.
	in	al, 66h

	; === Use bit 4 only as return code.
	; --- Make bit 4 the lowest bit.
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	; --- Kill all the upper bits.
	and	al, 1

	; --- Call DOS function "TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE".
	mov	ah, 4Ch
	int	21h


EXTFLOP.COM source code:

RS	100h

	; --- Read status.
	in	al, 67h

	; === Use bit 3 only as return code.
	; --- Make bit 3 the lowest bit.
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	; --- Kill all the upper bits.
	and	al, 1

	; --- Call DOS function "TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE".
	mov	ah, 4Ch
	int	21h


IDE.COM source code:

RS	100h

	; --- Read status.
	in	al, 67h

	; === Use bit 2 only as return code.
	; --- Make bit 2 the lowest bit.
	ror	al, 1
	ror	al, 1
	; --- Kill all the upper bits.
	and	al, 1

	; --- Call DOS function "TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE".
	mov	ah, 4Ch
	int	21h


Source code is for the R86 assembler, which is part of http://www.lsi-j.co.jp/freesoft/. Don't ask, I just like R86.
But this source code is easy to convert to NASM or even DEBUG.

Now my problem is, these tools don't work for me.
Whatever I try, ports 66h and 67h always return FFh. I also verified with DEBUG.

Okay, EXTFLOP.COM is never called from the Utility Disk, but DOCK.COM is.
(I didn't try IDE.COM, as it also reads the same status byte EXTFLOP.COM.)

What I already tried:
Setup                        | 66h | 67h
800/166 BIOS 2.01.00 gr      | --- | ---
  Boot from HDD              | --- | ---
    FDD not connected        | FFh | FFh
    FDD connected (hot-plug) | FFh | FFh
  Boot from FDD              | FFh | FFh
  Boot from HDD (docked)     | --- | ---
    FDD not connected        | FFh | FFh
    FDD connected (hot-plug) | FFh | FFh
  Boot from FDD (docked)     | FFh | FFh
800/100 BIOS 2.00.00 en      | --- | ---
  Boot from FDD (docked)     | FFh | FFh

Am I doing something wrong?

Would be nice, if some other people could try on their own machines.
OmniBooks 300, 425, 430, 530, 600, are probably worth to try own too.
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